1. What is "e-Express Bank Account Application"?
New and existing customers can open their deposit account, securities account and investment accounts and services online instantly using a mobile phone. The "e-Express Bank Account Application" features an online identity verification and e-Signature functions, which brings convenience to customers. You do not need to visit a branch in person and you can register for the e-Banking Service online immediately after your account has been opened.
2. Which types of account can I open via "e-Express Bank Account Application"?
You may open a sole name YOU / VIP i-Account, a securities account and / or investment accounts and services via "e-Express Bank Account Application".
3. What requirements do I need to fulfill in order to apply for a bank account and securities / investment accounts and services via "e-Express Bank Account Application"?
You must fulfill the following conditions:
- Aged 18 or above
- Hold a Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card
- Provide a valid mobile phone number (only supports mobile phone numbers from Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and Mainland China)
- Hold any sole-name integrated account or joint name account with Dah Sing Bank
- Provide a proof of your residential address issued within the last three months (if applying for securities and / or investment account(s) and services)
- Not be a US resident or US person (if applying for securities and / or investment account(s) and services)
- Not have more than one nationality and nationality is China (Hong Kong)
If you cannot meet any one of the above requirements, you may visit any of our branches for account opening.
4. Do I need to register for the e-Banking Service in order to open accounts via "e-Express Bank Account Application"?
You do not need to register for the e-Banking service before applying for a deposit accounts or / and a Securities account or / and Investment accounts and services via the "e-Express Bank Account Application". You can register for the e-Banking Service online after your account has been opened.
5. What documents do I need to provide when using "e-Express Bank Account Application"?
You do not need to upload any documents to apply for deposit account. You simply need to follow the instructions to take photos of your Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card and undergo 4 selfie motions. Then, you could proceed to input your personal information for completing the application process.
For securities account and / or investment accounts and services applications, you are required to submit proof of your residential address issued within the last three months. For more information about the acceptable address proof, file formats and size, please refer to Question 21.
6. What is the service time for "e-Express Bank Account Application"?
The service time for submitting a bank account application via "e-Express Bank Account Application" is 7x24. To enjoy instant approval for deposit account application, you should apply on Monday to Saturday from 9:00 am - 9:00 pm.
7. If my HKID card is stolen, will other people be able to open a bank account online in my name?
We would verify your identity using facial recognition technology to ensure that the applicant is the holder of the HKID card.
8. I am a new-to-deposit customer of Dah Sing Bank. What services can I enjoy immediately after opening a VIP or YOU i-Account / Securities and Investment Account and Services via "e-Express Bank Account Application"?
New-to-deposit customers can immediately enjoy the following services after opening a VIP / YOU i-Account via "e-Express Bank Account Application":
- Fund Deposits
- Fixed deposit services
- Selected e-Banking and Mobile Banking services, including:
- Account Enquiry & Recent Transaction Enquiry
- View e-Statement and e-Advice
- Same-name account transfer
- Fixed Deposit services
- Buy and Sell foreign currency
- e-Deposit
- Small-value Transfer Service^
^We will send you an email notification once we have reviewed your application. Upon receipt of the email notification, you can activate the Small-value Transfer Settings via e-Banking or Mobile Banking to use our Small-value Transfer Service. Corresponding e-Channels include the FPS Service and bank account payments made via WeChat Pay Hong Kong.
You can enjoy the full range of services once you have completed the "Customer Verification" procedure via making the first transaction of the account by transferring to your YOU i-Account or VIP i-Account of at least HKD1 from your same-name account at other local banks using FPS+, or by visiting any of our branches. If you need to use an ATM card, please apply for it via any of our branches in person after you have completed the "Customer Verification" procedure.
+After you complete the eligible FPS Deposit and your application documents passed our review (approximately 1-2 working days), you can then enjoy the full range of banking services.
Please complete the "Customer Verification" procedure within 30 days of the account opening date, otherwise your account and any related services will be suspended. If you are unable to complete the "Customer Verification" procedure within 90 days of the account opening date, your account and any related services will be terminated.
You can use the following Securities Trading Services and Investment Services after the Securities account and Investment accounts opening process** has been completed:
- Securities Trading Services
- China Stock Connect^^
- Stocks Investment Savings Plan
- Investment Fund Services
- Fixed Income Instrument
- Equity Linked Investment
- Currency Linked Premium Deposit
- Currency Linked Principal Guaranteed Deposit
**Please refer to Question 23 for details.
^^Provided that you agree us to use your personal data on Northbound Trading under China Stock Connect
9. I have opened an account via "e-Express Bank Account Application". How can I view my account number?
You can view your account number by logging into e-Banking / Mobile Banking (if you have registered for the e-Banking Service). You can also view your account number, related Terms and Conditions and other reminders via "e-Express Bank Account Application Enquiry" after entering your application reference number, document number and 6-digit verification code. Click here to access this page.
10. How can I enjoy the full range of banking services after opening a bank account and securities and investment Account and Services via "e-Express Bank Account Application"?
To enjoy the full range of banking services, you can complete the "Customer Verification" procedure using either of the following methods:
- Make the first transaction of the account by transferring to your account of at least HKD1 from your same-name account at other local banks via FPS***; OR
- You can bring your HKID Card and visit any of our branches in person.
***If you use method (1) to complete the "Customer Verification" procedure and would like to apply for a cheque book, you can submit an application via e-Banking, Mobile Banking or Phone Banking.
You can use the Securities Trading Services and Investment Services after the Securities account and Investment accounts opening process+ has been completed.
**Please refer to Question 23 for details.
11. Why do I need to complete the "Customer Verification" procedure after opening a deposit account via "e-Express Bank Account Application"?
Before you complete the "Customer Verification" procedure, you can only enjoy limited banking services. If you wish to enjoy the full range of banking services, complete the "Customer Verification" procedure as follows:
- Make the first transaction of the account by transferring to your account of at least HKD1 from your same-name account at other local banks via FPS; OR
- Bring your HKID Card to any of our branches in person.
If you are unable to complete this "Customer Verification" procedure within 30 days after the account opening date, your account and any related services will be suspended. If you are unable to complete the "Customer Verification" procedure within 90 days after the account opening date, your account and any related services will be terminated.
12. I was reminded to complete the "Customer Verification" procedure within 30 days after the account opening date to enjoy more account services. What happens if I do not complete the procedure?
If you are unable to complete the "Customer Verification" procedure within 30 days after the account opening date, your account and any related services will be suspended. If you are unable to complete the "Customer Verification" procedure within 90 days after the account opening date, your account and any related services will be terminated.
13. I would like to apply for a deposit account / Securities and Investment Account and Services via "e-Express Bank Account Application". Do I need to authorise the bank to review my credit records from the TransUnion database?
We will not review your credit records from the TransUnion credit database when you submit a bank account application via "e-Express Bank Account Application".
14. Can I refuse to authorise the bank to verify my identity via the TransUnion Electronic Know-Your-Customer (eKYC) Solutions?
If you refuse to authorise us to verify your identity via the TransUnion Electronic Know-Your-Customer (eKYC) Solutions, we will not be able to verify your identity and you will not be able to complete the account opening process online. If you still wish to open a deposit account, please bring your Hong Kong Identity Card (and residential address proof if Securities and / or Investment Account and Services will be applied) to any of our branches in person.
15. Is there any other way to complete the "Customer Verification" procedure other than visiting a branch in person?
To complete the "Customer Verification" procedure, you can also make the first transaction of the account by transferring of at least HKD1 to your Current or Savings Accounts opened via "e-Express Bank Account Application" from your same-name account at other local banks via FPS. The transaction must be the first transaction made to your account after the account is opened.
16. Which transactions are eligible for completing the "Customer Verification" procedure?
It must be the first transaction of your Current or Savings Accounts opened via "e-Express Bank Account Application". The transaction must be an inward transfer of funds (Amount of at least HKD1) from your same-name account at other local banks via FPS.
17. Can I complete the "Customer Verification" procedure by using CHATS or cheque to make my first transaction of the bank accounts opened via "e-Express Bank Account Application"?
You cannot complete the "Customer Verification" procedure by making deposits via CHATS or cheque. Please refer to Question 16 for details of eligible transactions for completing the "Customer Verification" procedure. If the first transaction in the account is not the above mentioned transaction (e.g. transfer from a third party account, deposit by cheque or CHATS), you can only complete the "Customer Verification" procedure by visiting our branch in person.
18. I have made a deposit to my new account via CHATS or cheque. Can I still complete the "Customer Verification" procedure by making a deposit from my same-name account at other local banks?
In this scenario, the FIRST transaction to your bank account opened via "e-Express Bank Account Application" was NOT made through the Faster Payment System (FPS). As a result, the subsequent FPS deposit would not meet the requirements for completing the "Customer Verification" procedure. Account holders can only complete the "Customer Verification" procedure by visiting our branch in person.
19. I have made an eligible deposit to my bank accounts opened via "e-Express Bank Account Application". When can I enjoy the full range of banking services?
After making your first eligible deposit, you will receive an SMS confirming your completion of the "Customer Verification" procedure once your application has been reviewed by the Bank. You can then enjoy the full range of banking services.
You can use the Securities Trading Services and Investment Services after the Securities account and Investment accounts opening process** has been completed.
**Please refer to Question 23 for details.
20. How can I use e-Banking to transfer funds from the account that I opened via the "e-Express Bank Account Application" to bank accounts held with other local participating banks (including non-registered accounts of other local participating banks)?
After opening a VIP or YOU i-Account via the "e-Express Bank Account Application", you can register for the e-Banking Service and transfer funds to bank accounts held with other local participating banks (including non-registered bank accounts of other local participating banks) using the Small-value Transfer Service^^^. If you need to transfer funds of an amount which exceeds the Small-value Transfer Limit (i.e. Daily Maximum Limit of HKD10,000)+++, you may mail the "Dah Sing Phone Banking Service / e-Banking Service Fund Transfer Registration Form" to register accounts of local participating banks and / or activate the "Fund Transfer service to non-registered accounts"^ or visit our branch in person to apply for the services.
^^^We will send you an email notification once we have reviewed your application. Upon receipt of the email notification, you can activate the Small-value Transfer Settings via e-Banking / Mobile Banking and use our Small-value Transfer Service. Corresponding e-Channels include the FPS Service and bank account payments made via WeChat Pay Hong Kong.
+++In order to transfer funds which exceed the Daily Maximum Limit of HKD10,000 from your account opened via the "e-Express Bank Account Application" to bank accounts of local participating banks (including non-registered bank accounts of other local participating banks), you are required to complete the "Customer Verification" procedure. Please note that in order to complete fund transfers to non-registered accounts of other local participating banks, it requires the use of our Security Authentication.
21. What types of residential address proof are acceptable? What are the acceptable file formats and sizes?
The following documents are accepted as proof of residential address:
- A utility bill issued within the last 3 months;
- A correspondence by a government department or agency issued within the last 3 months;
- A statement issued by an authorized institution, a licensed corporation or an authorized insurer within the last 3 months;
- A mobile phone or pay TV statement issued within the last 3 months;
- A letter from an authorized university or college that can indicate residence at a stated address within the last 3 months
- Address proof of an immediate family member as accepted based on this documents within the last 3 months plus document proof of the relationship or a written confirmation from the immediate family member confirming that the customer is living at that address in HK, setting out the relationship between the customer and the immediate family member (for students, housewives or senior citizens who are unable to provide proof of address of their own name)
- An acknowledgement of receipt duly signed by the customer in response to a letter sent by our bank to the address provided by the customer within the last 3 months;
- A letter from a Hong Kong nursing or residential home for the elderly or disabled confirming the residence of the customer within the last 3 months;
- A Hong Kong tenancy agreement which has been duly stamped by the Inland Revenue Department;
- A lawyer's confirmation of property purchase, or legal document recognizing title to property;
- A record of a visit to the residential address by staff member of our bank within the last 3 months;
- A current Hong Kong domestic helper employment contract stamped by an appropriate Consulate (the name of the employer should correspond with the customer's visa endorsement in their passport);
- Correspondence from a Hong Kong employer together with proof of employment within the last 3 months, which the bank is satisfied that it can place reliance on and that confirms residence at the stated address in Hong Kong
Documents 1-6 may be submitted in electronic form.
The file must be in PDF, JPEG, TIFF, GIF or PNG format. Residential address proof in video format is not supported. The file size must not exceed 5 MB.
22. When can I use my Securities account or / and Investment accounts and services applied via e-Express?
Your Securities account or / and Investment accounts and services will be activated for use when "Customer Verification" procedure and residential address verification completed, we will send you an email & SMS notification once the account(s) and services are activated. If you cannot provide valid address proof within 90 calendar days from the application date, your Securities account or / and Investment accounts and services will be terminated.
23. Will my Securities / Investment account(s) and services be terminated if my residential address proof cannot be verified?
If you submit an invalid proof of address or your document does not meet our requirements, you will be requested to provide a valid proof of address. If you do not provide this information within 90 days after your application, your securities / investment account and services will be terminated.
24. Why is there no personal information available even already downloaded "iAM Smart"?
You must successfully register for "iAM Smart" and complete "e-ME" before you can open account through e-Express and obtain information through "iAM Smart".
25. How can I provide address proof through "iAM Smart"?
You must authorize "iAM Smart" in advance to obtain e-bills from utility companies as address proof.
26. How can I use the "e-ME" function of "iAM Smart"?
When applying for deposit accounts / securities and investment accounts, you can choose to use the "e-ME" function of "iAM Smart" or manually fill in your personal information. Upon your authorization, the system will conduct identity verification. If the verification is successful, your personal information registered with "iAM Smart," including Prefix, Education level, Home address, Postal address, or Billing address, will be automatically filled in on the application form.
27. Can the information retrieved through "iAM Smart" be modified?
Yes. However, once modified, it will no longer be processed as information provided by "iAM Smart".
28. Can I choose not to use the address proof provided by "iAM Smart"?
Yes. Simply click delete (the trash bin icon) and manually re-upload the appropriate address proof.
1. What is "e-Express Loan Application"?
New and existing customers can apply for Express Money online instantly using mobile phone. Enjoy fast and simple loan application and disbursement via our "e-Express Loan Application" service with online identity verification and e-Signature function. You no longer need to provide supporting documents or visit our branch in person for completing the application process while you can know the approval result immediately. What's more, the approved loan amount will be disbursed to your designated bank account instantly via the Faster Payment System (FPS).
2. What type of personal loan can I apply for via "e-Express Loan Application"?
You may apply for Express Money via "e-Express Loan Application".
3. What requirements do I need to fulfill in order to apply for a personal loan via "e-Express Loan Application"?
You must be aged 18 or above and possess a Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card. You must not have any existing unsecured loans, mortgages or credit cards with Dah Sing Bank.
4. What documents are required for an "e-Express Loan Application"?
You do not need to upload any documents. You simply need to follow the instructions to take photos of your Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card and undergo 4 selfie motions. Then, you could proceed to input your personal information for completing the application process.
5. When is the service time for "e-Express Loan Application"?
The service time for submitting a personal loan application via "e-Express Loan Application" is 7x24. For instant approvals and loan disbursement, you should apply during service hours (Monday to Friday 8:00 am - 7:45 pm or Saturday 8:00 am - 2:45 pm. For eligible applications submitted outside of the service hours (including Sundays and public holidays), the loan disbursement process will be proceed on the next working day.
6. How will the personal loan be disbursed?
The loan will be disbursed via Faster Payment System (FPS). Applicants need to provide a personal Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) bank account (joint accounts are not accepted. at a local FPS participating bank.
7. Can the loan be disbursed to a bank account in another person's name?
No. The account holder's name must match the applicant's name on the HKID card, otherwise the FPS transfer will be rejected by the fund-receiving bank and our loan specialist will contact you to follow up.
8. Why can't I select my designated bank name under the loan disbursement bank account list?
Some bank names are not available because we only list banks that support real-time FPS transfers. If your bank does not support the real-time FPS fund transfer service, it will not be displayed for selection in "e-Express Loan Application" for loan disbursement.
9. Can I request a higher loan amount or have a preferential interest rate offer after applying via "e-Express Loan Application"?
Yes. If you would like to apply for a higher loan amount or have a preferential interest rate offer, you can supplement your application by providing additional supporting documents (e.g. income proof) online or by mail, fax or email. Your loan application and loan disbursement will only be processed after we receive your additional supporting documents.
10. Do I need to authorise the bank to review my credit records from the TransUnion database?
Yes. The Bank will need to review your credit records from the TransUnion Limited credit database in order to make a decision on your personal loan application.
11. Can I refuse to authorize the bank to verify my identity via the TransUnion database?
If you refuse to authorise us to verify your identity via the TransUnion database, we will not be able to verify your identity and perform a credit check for pre-approval or instant loan disbursement. In that case, a designated loan specialist will contact you by phone to follow up your application, or you may call our Customer Service Hotline during office hours.
1. What is "e-Express Credit Card Application"?
New customers of Dah Sing Bank can instantly apply for a physical Dah Sing Credit Card online via our Mobile App and enjoy instant card approval service. The "e-Express Credit Card Application" features a convenient online identity verification, e-Signature function and using big data in credit card approval. You do not need to visit a branch in person to complete your application.
2. What type of personal loan can I apply for via "e-Express Loan Application"?
You may apply for a Dah Sing ONE+ Credit Card, Dah Sing ANA World Mastercard, Dah Sing British Airways Platinum Card, Dah Sing Hello Kitty Platinum Mastercard or Dah Sing APITA UNY Card.
3. Can I apply for credit cards other than those mentioned above via "e-Express Credit Card Application"?
Yes. However, there would be no instant approval service for these applications and you are required to submit supporting documents including your identity card, address and income proof.
4. What requirements do I need to fulfill in order to apply for a credit card via "e-Express Credit Card Application"?
You must fulfill the following criteria:
- You must be aged 18 or above
- You must hold a Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card.
- In the 10 days prior to your application, you did not hold any of the Bank's services or account
- You have passed the relevant information verification process
5. Why can't my credit card application be instantly approved?
We may need more time or information to process your application. For example, you may have chosen to skip online identity authentication or apply for a credit card that does not offer instant approval. If your credit card application is not approved instantly, we will still review and process your application as long as you have provided the required supporting documents.
6. Is "e-Express Credit Card Application" available 24 hours a day?
The "e-Express Credit Card Application" service is available 24 hours a day. For instant approval, you should apply during service hours (Monday to Friday 8:00 am-7:45 pm, Saturday 8:00 am-2:45 pm, except public holidays.. For eligible customer who submitted his / her application outside the service hours, he / she will be required to submit supporting documents including his / her identity card, address and income proof.
7. How can I increase the credit limit of the credit card applied via "e-Express Credit Card Application" and instantly approved?
Method 1:
After your credit card application submitted via "e-Express Credit Card Application" was approved instantly, tap "Upload" on the "Upload required documents for higher credit limits" page. From there, you can upload and submit the following documents:
- Your residential proof of address issued in the last 3 months (e.g. electricity bill, bank statement or e-Statement)
- Latest bank statement or passbook showing your name, account number and salary entry; or latest income tax demand note; or latest 1 month's payroll slip
After reviewing the documents you submitted, we may adjust your credit limit and you will receive an email notification from the bank regarding the credit review results.
Method 2:
Download the Application Form for Change of Credit Limit and complete it and return it to us by email, mail or fax. After the review of the documents you submitted, we may adjust your credit limit. You will receive an email notification with the results of the credit review.
8. Can I apply for the Octopus Automatic Add Value Service (AAVS) for my credit card applied via "e-Express Credit Card Application"?
Yes. You can select Octopus Automatic Add Value Service (AAVS. in e-Express Credit Card Application Form and provide your Octopus card number.
9. My credit card application was approved instantly. When will I receive the credit card?
If your credit card application was approved instantly, we will arrange to send your credit card to your mailing address as soon as possible. When you receive your credit card, please activate it right away in order to enjoy the full range of our credit card offers.
10. Can I add the credit card applied via "e-Express Credit Card Application" to my mobile wallet?
Yes. After receiving your physical card, you can add it to your mobile wallet right away. Simply enter your credit card information and follow the instructions on Apple Pay / Google Pay™. For more information, please click here. You can use your card immediately after adding it to your mobile wallet.
1. How is the online identity verification process conducted?
During "e-Express Application", you will be asked to follow the instructions to take photos of your Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card and undergo 4 selfie motions. We will then verify your identity instantly using facial recognition technology, which brings convenience to customers. To protect your personal privacy, your personal data will be highly secured.
2. Why do I need to retake the selfies?
You may be required to retake selfies when you fail the identity verification process (e.g. due to a timeout or if your photos are out of focus or blocked by glare or shadows.
3. What should I be aware of when taking selfies?
When taking your selfies, please note the following:
- Look straight into the camera
- Position your face in the circle
- Ensure that your eyes are at the same level as the camera
- Ensure that there is adequate lighting with no shadows or glare
4. What should I be aware of when taking a photo of my HKID card?
When taking a photo of your HKID card, please note the following:
- Place the front of your HKID within the frame
- Ensure that there is sufficient lighting and that the background is a different colour from the HKID
- Avoid glare and illegible details