Cross-boundary Wealth Management Connect Scheme - Northbound
Enjoying wealth management services in the Greater Bay Area
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Fees and Charges
Investment products offered by Mainland banks have not been authorized by the SFC and the relevant offering documents have not been examined by the SFC, and that investors should exercise caution in relation to such offer.
Apart from the risks associated with the wealth management products in which investors invest in with Mainland banks, the Northbound Scheme also involves the following risks:
Exchange rate risks
Hong Kong investors who hold a currency other than RMB will be exposed to currency risks when they invest in a RMB product due to the need for the conversion of the currency into RMB. During the conversion, investors will also incur currency conversion costs. Even if the price of the RMB asset remains the same when investors purchase it and when investors redeem / sell it, they will still incur a loss when they convert the redemption / sale proceeds into another currency if RMB has depreciated. Exchange rates of RMB are quoted in different markets; the onshore rate is being referred as "CNY" and the offshore rate (i.e. when traded in Hong Kong) is being referred as "CNH". When conducting RMB foreign exchange in Hong Kong, CNH will be used. Although CNY and CNH represent the same currency, they do not necessarily have the same exchange rate and may not move in the same direction.
Changes in the exchange rate of RMB will affect the profits and debts, etc. of businesses. Such effects will be more significant to companies engaging in exports and having debts denominated in RMB.
Risks under quota management
Under the aggregate and individual investor quota arrangement, once the aggregate quota or individual investor quota is used up, instructions for funds remittances from Hong Kong to the Mainland under the Northbound Scheme may be put on hold.
Regulatory risks
Investor assets received or held on the Mainland are subject to the applicable laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China ("PRC") which may be different from the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong) ("SFO") and the rules made thereunder. Investors should familiarize themselves with and observe the applicable laws, rules and regulations of the PRC concerning the Northbound Scheme. Investors shall also understand the rules and procedures relevant to transactions in the Mainland wealth management product market, and consider their own circumstances before making investment decisions.