Opening a new account at Dah Sing Bank is fast and simple. We offer a wide range of deposit services with attractive interest rates and flexible maturities
Savings, Current and Fixed Deposit accounts in up to 19 different currencies
Special USD Current Account bringing you many additional benefits
Handle USD payments by cheque to avoid costly remittances
Deposit USD cheque deposits for prompt local clearance the next business day
Enjoy USD overdraft facility at competitive interest rates*
Through our Dah Sing Bank Branch network and partners BCT Financial Ltd and Bank Consortium Trust Co Ltd (BCT), we can help your business ensure full MPF compliance*.
Packages carefully designed to meet both employers' and employees' needs, combining full investment choice with convenience
Tax relief on contributions available to both employer and employee
All MPF benefits preserved until age 65 (with specific exceptions)
Full and immediate vesting of benefits
Portability of benefits
*Under current MPF regulations, employer and employee must each contribute 5% of the employee's monthly salary. The minimum income for MPF contribution is HKD7,100 per month, while the maximum is HKD30,000 per month
All companies are welcome to apply
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MPF (Bank Consortium Trust Company Limited / BCT Financial Limited)